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  • 济南液位计环缝焊接专机系列
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  1.1设备的原理  ZYX34型环缝焊机使用了脉冲氩弧焊机、伺服电机、步进电机和触摸屏等元器件,通过PLC控制实现半自动化焊接。  1.2设备的特点  使用的脉冲氩弧焊机可实现美观的鱼鳞纹焊缝;  使用的自动送丝机解决了人工送丝的烦恼;  12m长导轨可以实现在不同长度主管子上焊接支管;  在控制中增加了焊枪位置反馈和起弧反馈,以避免虚焊、漏焊问题发生;  伺服电机可精准调控焊接速度;  所用电气元件皆为品牌件,保证了设备使用的安全性和稳定性;  使用了触摸屏,方便了操作者的使用,实现在触摸屏上实时监控设备运行状况;  1.3设备参数  本设备适用开孔无缝管管径:外径φ50-φ80mm;引管直径:φ20mm-φ40mm、长度:65-80mm;引管法兰直径:法兰DN15-DN50的焊接。
  设备简介Equipment introduction:  该设备主要用于不锈钢、碳钢、铝等金属材质的小型圆管之间的平焊缝焊接,法兰与圆管之间的角焊缝焊接。设备由PLC控制,运行稳定可靠,设备操作简便。  The equipment is mainly used for flat welding between small round tubes of carbon steel,stainless steel,aluminum and other metal materials,fillet welding between flanges and round tubes,and straight welding of cylinders.The equipment is controlled by PLC,stable and reliable operation,easy operation.  应用范围Scope of application:  适用于碳钢、不锈钢及其它金属材质工件的环缝焊接。可焊接如储气筒、热水器、消防筒、传动轴、减震器、消声器、容器罐、管管对接、接法兰、接弯头三通等工件的环缝焊接。  Suitable for annular welding of carbon steel,stainless steel,aluminum and other metal materials workpieces.It can be similar to the appearance of the workpiece such as gas storage cylinder,water heater,fire tube,transmission shaft,shock absorber,muffler,container tank,pipe butt joint,pipe flange,pipe elbow tee ring welding.  主要特点Main features:  1、主轴是由步进电机控制,旋转速度可从0开始调节,运行平稳,扭矩大。  The spindle is controlled by a stepper motor,rotation speed can be adjusted from 0,with stable operation and large torque.  2、装夹方便,使用气缸快速精准地将工件固定住。  The clamping is convenient,using cylinder fast accurately the workpiece in place.  3、氩弧焊送丝机送丝速度可从0开始调节,送丝平稳,送丝量精准可靠。  The wire feeding speed of argon arc welding wire feeding machine can be adjusted from 0,with stable wire feeding and accurate and reliable wire feeding.  4、触摸屏控制,操作简单方便。  Touch screen control,simple and convenient operation.
  设备简介Equipment introduction:  该设备主要用于不锈钢、碳钢、铝等金属材质的浮球与端盖之间的平焊缝焊接,法兰与支管之间的角焊缝焊接。设备由PLC控制,运行稳定可靠,设备操作简便。  The equipment is mainly used for flat welding between floating ball and end cover,fillet welding between flanges and round tubes,and straight welding of cylinders.The equipment is controlled by PLC,stable and reliable operation,easy operation.  应用范围Scope of application:  适用于碳钢、不锈钢及其它金属材质工件的环缝焊接。可焊接如储气筒、热水器、消防筒、传动轴、减震器、消声器、容器罐、管管对接、接法兰、接弯头三通等工件的环缝焊接。  Suitable for annular welding of carbon steel,stainless steel,aluminum and other metal materials workpieces.It can be similar to the appearance of the workpiece such as gas storage cylinder,water heater,fire tube,transmission shaft,shock absorber,muffler,container tank,pipe butt joint,pipe flange,pipe elbow tee ring welding.  主要特点Main features:  1、主轴是由步进电机控制,旋转速度可从0开始调节,运行平稳,扭矩大。  The spindle is controlled by a stepper motor,rotation speed can be adjusted from 0,with stable operation and large torque.  2、装夹方便,使用气缸快速精准地将工件固定住。  The clamping is convenient,using cylinder fast accurately the workpiece in place.  3、反面氩气保护功能。  Argon protection on the reverse side.  4、氩弧焊送丝机送丝速度可从0开始调节,送丝平稳,送丝量精准可靠。  The wire feeding speed of argon arc welding wire feeding machine can be adjusted from 0,with stable wire feeding and accurate and reliable wire feeding.  5、触摸屏控制,操作简单方便。  Touch screen control,simple and convenient operation.
  工件状态:半成品热管工件材料:紫铜焊接要求:旋压摩擦焊接  其他要求:充液、称重、加热、测温、判断、旋压摩擦焊接。  外形尺寸:直径φ16mm、长度200~800mm。  设备主要包含:称重机构、感应加热装置、定位机构,测温机构、充液机构,旋压机构,滑台升降机构,龙门立柱,工作台,控制系统等部分。  龙门式工作站工作内容:称重、充液、加热、判断和旋压摩擦焊接:  称重称重机构称出工件的初始重量;称出工件注液蒸发后重量,如满足要求发出旋压开始指令;  充液滑台升降机构下降,定位机构伸出,定位并抱紧工件,充液机构伸出向工件内注入定量的液体;充液结束后充液机构和定位机构一起退回;  加热、测温测温机构伸出,感应加热装置开始加热,热管内液体蒸发;称重机构和测温机构测量实时数据;  判断和旋压摩擦焊接  由于称重传感器对热管沸腾工况条件下测重数据的不确定性,在该过程控制中按二套方案设计  A方案:如测重精度满足要求,则当蒸汽温度和热管内残夜重量都达到设定值后,判断为合格:测温机构退回,加热停止,定位机构伸出并定位工件,旋压机构开始摩擦焊接,完成后定位机构退出,滑台升降机构上升,人工取出工件;判断为不合格时:测温机构退出、加热停止,并报警。  B方案:如测重精度不能满足要求,则采取控制蒸汽温度和蒸发时间来满足真空度要求,此过程中的其他动作和A方案一样。  备注:预防测温机构凝露措施:对测温机构进行恒温加热;  清除测温机构上凝露措施:每次测温前自动吹除凝露。
  设备简介Equipment introduction:  该设备主要用于不锈钢、碳钢、铝等金属材质的圆管之间的平焊缝焊接,内侧角焊缝焊接、法兰与圆管之间的角焊缝。设备由PLC控制,运行稳定可靠,设备操作简便。  The equipment is mainly used for flat welding between round tubes of carbon steel,stainless steel,aluminum and other metal materials,fillet welding and inner fillet welding between flanges and round tubes.The equipment is controlled by PLC,stable and reliable operation,easy operation.  应用范围Scope of application:  适用于碳钢、不锈钢及其它金属材质工件的环缝焊接。可焊接如储气筒、热水器、消防筒、传动轴、减震器、消声器、容器罐、管管对接、接法兰、接弯头三通等工件的环缝焊接。  Suitable for annular welding of carbon steel,stainless steel,aluminum and other metal materials workpieces.It can be similar to the appearance of the workpiece such as gas storage cylinder,water heater,fire tube,transmission shaft,shock absorber,muffler,container tank,pipe butt joint,pipe flange,pipe elbow tee ring welding.  主要特点Main features:  1、主轴是由步进电机控制,旋转速度可从0开始调节,运行平稳,扭矩大。  The spindle is controlled by a stepper motor,rotation speed can be adjusted from 0,with stable operation and large torque.  2、装夹方便,使用气缸快速精准地将工件固定住。  The clamping is convenient,using cylinder fast accurately the workpiece in place.  3、氩弧焊送丝机送丝速度可从0开始调节,送丝平稳,送丝量精准可靠。  The wire feeding speed of argon arc welding wire feeding machine can be adjusted from 0,with stable wire feeding and accurate and reliable wire feeding.  4、自动变位结构,可自动改变工件焊接角度,改善焊缝的咬边现象。  Automatic positioner,can automatically change the workpiece welding angel,improve the welding seam undercut phenomenon.  5、焊枪机构通过电机调节上下左右移动,对枪精准简单。  The welding gun mechanism moves up and down,left and right through the motor adjustment,which makes the gun accurate and simple.  6、设备具有弧压反馈功能,可根据实时弧压的变化调整焊枪的浮动机构,维持弧压稳定,确保焊接效果。  The equipment has arc voltage feedback function,which can adjust the floating mechanism of the welding torch according to the real-time arc voltage change,maintain the arc voltage stability and ensure the welding effect.  7、设备具有焊枪摆动功能,帮助焊缝更好地成型。  The equipment has welding torch swing function,help weld forming better.
  设备简介Equipment introduction:  该设备主要用于对轧辊表面进行平焊和堆焊,可采用埋弧焊和明弧焊工艺,在轧辊表面覆盖一层特殊材料。 设备采用PLC控制,运行稳定可靠,设备操作方便。  This equipment is mainly used in flat welding welding on the surface of the roll,using arc welding and welding wire that the roll surface covering a layer of special materials.The equipment is controlled by PLC,stable and reliable operation,easy operation.  应用范围Scope of application:  适用于碳钢、不锈钢及其它金属材质轧辊的堆焊焊接。  Suitable for annular welding of carbon steel,stainless steel,aluminum and other metal materials roll.  主要特点Main features:  1、主轴是由伺服电机控制,旋转速度可从0开始调节,运行平稳,扭矩大。  The spindle is controlled by a servo motor,rotation speed can be adjusted from 0,with stable operation and large torque.  2、可移动滚轮托架,根据轧辊长度灵活调节装夹位置。  Movable roller bracket,according to the length of the roll flexible clamping position adjustment.  3、两把焊枪同时协同工作,极大地提高工作效率。  Two welding torch work together at the same time,improve the work efficiency greatly.  4、自带焊接烟尘收集装置,符合环保要求,保障操作人员健康。  Own welding smoke and dust collecting device so as to meet the requirements of environmental protection,safeguard the operator health  5、电动枪架调节及电动焊枪调节,装夹、对枪方便。  Electric gun rack adjustment and electric welding torch adjustment,clamping,convenient to the guu.  6、触摸屏控制,操作简单方便。  Touch screen control,simple and convenient operation.

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商盟成员: 液位计环缝焊机